The Pros and Cons of the October invasion


    One of the most difficult things to discuss is a course of events where the war has not ended, because the arrogant and programmed ideologues will begin to pray against you, distracting themselves and others from the main issue, and taking refuge in the necessity of waiting for the results. But waiting for the results before starting the discussion may be equivalent to committing suicide. We see a barbaric Western attack allied with Israel, supplying it with ammunition and weapons, protecting it diplomatically, and they have a program that leads to ending the issue and displacing the people, in the light of the silence of or official Arab participation, accompanied by meaningless supplication and prayers for the oppressed, who are being annihilated one by one. Here, of course, we should not remain silent, but rather discuss matters further in order to avoid the worst, and to prepare for success, to crown popular patience and endurance of calamities in support of the resistance, and to ensure the continuation of life and save what can be saved as soon as possible, rather than indulge in the hollow stubbornness that leads to collective suicide in response to the vision of one man or of a group, neither elected or mandated by the masses… Slogans will not meet the needs of those affected in their cause and their lives. People’s tolerance of affliction should not be considered an endorsement

    If, as we are encouraged to, we consider the killing of one of their soldiers in battle equivalent to the killing of two hundred of us, the wounding of twice that number, and the continuation of the sweeping destruction of the infrastructure and superstructure; What relevance does this endurance have in regards to the comparison with any similar destruction on the other side… Did we blow up any of their residential neighborhoods? Did we cut off their water and electricity and leave even ten of them to starve? We must see things as they are and not let ourselves be swayed by media exaggerations. Patience and enduring calamity does not achieve victory alone, similar or greater pain is required on the other side

    They took advantage of the invasion and escalated their goals under the pretext of deterrence and eliminating resistance, but they refuse a truce, decline to negotiate solutions, or to respond to international pressure, and they have become one with the forces of destruction and starvation, wanting to displace the population, kill them, and enslave those of them who remain alive after the aggression stops… This is an aggression by multiple colonial parties against one party. It is the Palestinian people who have no defense capability and who have fallen victim to a game that is either the result of stupidy or devised and can have no positive outcome. In fact, the results are becoming disastrous, and the longer the solution is delayed, the greater the disaster becomes so long as the other party is not suffering to the same extent

So let us see what the leaders of the Islamic resistance movements are betting on after five months of constant killing and destruction? The Arab and Islamic nations continue to sleep, with the exception of Yemen and Hezbollah. This situation has become the norm, and there will be no revolutionary Arab coups to come to the rescue. The popular international response has gone as far as it can and is left with a possible long-term boycott, the conditions of which will no doubt be relaxed later. The official global situation is divided between demands to release the hostages held by the resistance and stop the aggression on the one hand, and opposition, support and participation with Israel on the part of the two colonial powers that jointly control the international situation on the other hand, namely Washington and London… The world, in all its diversity, participates in demanding relief for civilians, but this relief is linked to the enemy’s decision to open or continue to close the crossings and impose a siege, and it is the same enemy that rejects any demands for relief from any party, because it is a brutal enemy, protected externally and led by a fascist government that enjoys popular support for the continuation of the genocide

    So what is left for the resistance leaders to bet on? The internal popular position of the enemy and the hope that the people will put pressure on their government and bring it down, or the adoption of a position of defense and shifting  to attacking the enemy’s heartland  and positions in order to cause actual losses and force him to accept a truce! Betting on the Israeli population is illogical, even with the demands of the families of the hostages and their supporters to accept a truce and an exchange deal. They are relatively few in number, as appears in their demonstrations. In addition, those calling for the continuation of the war and genocide through bombing and starvation are in the majority, as opinion polls prove. Of course, the government is completely fascist, and its president knows that a truce and the end of the war means his personal end in prison as a result of previous criminal charges, so he is relieved. Against this background he even launched aggression against southern Lebanon to ensure himself additional time in power. Of course, if Israeli civilians were facing bombing, suicide attacks in their cities, and sudden losses on a daily basis, similar to what is happening in the Gaza Strip, the situation would be different

    This brings us to the final bet of the resistance leaders, namely popular steadfastness and confrontation. The first part is steadfastness: The people have stood fast until all patience has been exhausted, and far and wide they bear witness to the legendary Palestinian steadfastness and endurance of bombing and destruction while remaining temporarily silent about the mistakes committed before and after the October invasion in order to preserve the unity of the ranks during the war… This steadfastness is difficult to continue due to the narrowing room for manoeuver, the almost complete lack of hope, and because the war is no longer a war. It is the annihilation of one party. Confronting a tank or a sniper from time to time does not constitute deterrence, it provides hope for a draw and the possibility of victory as a result of the enemy’s front being broken and disintegrated. Other factors required to support steadfastness include the unification of the political forces managing the Palestinian issue, but after five months and all the calamities we are experiencing, the leaders are still divided and warring, unable to agree on a unified program and leadership. Each party wants to monopolize the leadership and impose its approach and not concede to the other, while the country, the people and the issue are sliding into nothingness, and both parties are illegitimate because they have not been elected, and they have refused to renew the elections repeatedly, with the consent and instigation of the fascist enemy

Sacrifices, no matter how great, are not enough to win the war if they are not accompanied by political leadership linked to the popular goal and consistent with international law. Sacrifices alone will lead to a tragic end, and good leadership is the only party capable of assessing the situation and reaping the fruits of success, transferring them to the benefit of the people. Good leaders are prepared to abandon their ideological rigidity and positions in favor of achievements for the people… whereas the Palestinian leaders are estranged and heading towards self-destruction, and they serve the enemy’s goals and contribute to the deportation of the people. Or its annihilation… In fact, the people now need great leadership to bridge the gap and quickly save what can be saved and restore the situation

    The people remained steadfast and the men of the armed resistance performed well in the limited defense operations, but this limited armed attrition of a highly trained enemy was matched by the unprecedented bloody attrition of a defenseless population, and here the leadership’s miscalculation and planning for the October invasion, and miscalculation, mismanagement and false behaviour throughout the months that followed the invasion have become clear. It was supposed to estimate the enemy’s reaction to the invasion, and thus prepare and plan to deter a possible reaction. In fact, the military leadership, as it turned out, prepared by storing weapons and materials to make missiles and preparing battalions and defense methods, and therefore it held out for a long time, carrying out appropriate attacks and hunting down the enemy, but it left the people without preparation or protection… Let us pause here for a moment: This ideological partisan resistance was in control: For 17 years it has been in control of all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip, and it has monopolized power without elections and is practically hostile to other parties and trends

    This ruler, in command throughout that period, caused several wars, but did not rehabilitate or train the people to resist, did not teach them how to deal with natural and war disasters, to establish shelters, to store basic materials, or to provide medical health services by teaching first aid and providing medical equipment. In every home and school, there should be education and training on how to rescue people, or how to act in an orderly manner in crises… not to mention teaching young people to make explosives and use weapons that are forbidden to anyone who does not belong to their party… so we now see people running here and there without orders, and waiting, expecting the few resistance fighters to do everything…although all of that could have been prepared throughout the years of exclusivity in governance and administration without revealing the secret that they were planning the October invasion

    The person who planned the invasion, no matter how great his intelligence; failed to prepare properly and did not consult anyone, so chaos ensued, followed by disaster and disappointment. About a thousand fighters out of thirty thousand entered, and their goal was to kidnap soldiers to exchange them for prisoners being held in the occupation prisons. This is a noble goal, but impractical since most of those who were liberated in previous operations were taken back to the prisons, or were assassinated. The fighters entered to kidnap, and civilians followed them to kidnap and plunder, and they returned with a group of old women all broadcast live on social media. This was barbarism that had nothing to do with battles, Islam, or fundamentals. It was essential to rectify the matter immediately, return the civilians with honour, and keep the kidnapped soldiers, in order to gain international popular sympathy and respect among the ranks of the enemy itself. But the opposite happened. Without planning, instead of being limited, the operation became a chaotic process that engendered major reactions, and it would have been better to remedy the matter in the first hours, either to take control of the situation or to send a few thousand new fighters to reach more distant and larger cities

The operation was clearly intended to kidnap soldiers, and was not accompanied by political slogans supporting Palestinian rights and legitimacy… It could have easily been linked to the slogan of the return of the refugees, arranging for the return of some of them as propaganda, or to raise the slogan of the war of liberation against the war of occupation and to remain in the recaptured areas for some time, encouraging some of the refugees to return to their villages in southern Palestine with peaceful slogans of coexistence, and many other things that are of course not compatible with the mentality and ideology of the planner of the invasion. Throughout the months of aggression, the people responded to the Israeli demands for displacement here and there, and heard no demands for steadfastness from their leaders!! Why were the people not directed to move north, raising slogans of peace and acceptance of life in common?? North here means the villages and cities of southern Palestine, which is the birthplace of the residents of the Gaza Strip!! Such a demand, linked to peaceful means, would have led to many goals, even if it did deprive the leaders of the opportunity to govern and control… In any case; death for those returning to the north is better and more honorable than death for those displaced to the south who are now threatened with expulsion from the borders of Palestine to their neighbouring states

    This same mentality later assumed that the enemy government was democratic and humane and would sacrifice itself in order to save the military hostages, but the government prevaricated and exchanged civilians with Palestinian prisoners who were recaptured a few weeks later, and it is now delaying and insisting on the release of the military hostages due to military pressure and citing the starvation of the population in the northern Gaza Strip. This government, along with the opposition participating in it, does not care about any global pressure, and rejects the conditions of the resistance leadership to release the hostages in exchange for a decreasing number of Palestinian prisoners after their initial demand was to empty the prisons… This government has upended all scales, standards and goals and is now heading towards implementing extermination through killing, displacement, starvation and demanding complete security and administrative control over those who survive death and remain in the Gaza Strip. After which, they will move to restore complete occupation of the entire West Bank and launch settlements there without borders or restrictions, and occupy Al-Aqsa Square to impose their religious myths

    The Gazan leadership is being bombed and starved, and is negotiating through mediators in Paris. What have the negotiations reached until today? The enemy’s news media says that it opposes the Islamic Resistance Movement’s demand to return the residents of the northern Gaza Strip to their homes! They added that Tel Aviv also opposed increasing the volume of humanitarian aid entering the Strip, and opposed the duration of the ceasefire. Negotiations are not taking place to end the war and aggression, but rather to achieve a truce pending the release of the hostages in exchange for some food for the hungry in the northern Gaza Strip and the release of a modest number of Palestinian prisoners without any guarantee that they will not be re-arrested from their homes. The same news media reports that the Islamic Resistance Movement is willing to be flexible regarding the number of detainees who will be released in the first phase of the deal

    A leader of the resistance, in turn, says in this regard that the movement dealt in a positive spirit with the mediators’ proposals on the basis of stopping the aggression against Gaza and lifting the siege. “Commander” Nazzal continued: “We will continue indirect negotiations through Egyptian and Qatari mediators, and our door will not be closed because we are interested in reaching understandings that will stop the Zionist aggression against the Palestinian people and result in the entry of humanitarian aid, medicines and fuel into Gaza. The next few hours will clarify whether we are on a path that will lead to a ceasefire before the month of Ramadan, or if things will continue as they are now

    Things, of course, will not continue as they are; this is a superficial assessment, because it will be repealed through force pressure, starvation, and ignoring global public opinion, laws, and with the silence of the region… The enemy is moving in fifth gear on a flat road; so why would he brake with no obstacles in front of him? Isn’t this the enemy we know and whose goals we are well aware of? Don’t we know that the only possible restraint is to inflict losses on him of the same type and enormity as those that he inflicts on us? Why this submissiveness and warlike commitment to predatory defense only, instead of returning the enemy’s blows twice over? If there is a deficiency as a result of miscalculation in the first place, why do you let the population carry this horrendous burden? Wouldn’t it be better for you to admit failure and place the issue, the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people in the hands of the United Nations

    I hope, and trust in God, that all of this is not the result of a trap that was carefully set up a long time ago… So say Amen

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